A Liar's Guide to the Dreams..

In the dead of the night, the dreams come in one by one. They cling to you with soft acceptance, and they know it all..

These are the dreams which leave a note of remembrance. They cling to our tongues like a bittersweet delight.

They feel familiar, though their flavour melts in the mouth... and taste distinctly unusual.

July 18, 2007


umm job.


(job —n. 1 piece of work to be done; task. 2 position in, or piece of, paid employment. 3 colloq. difficult task (had a job to find it). 4 slang crime, esp. a robbery. 5 state of affairs etc. (bad job). —v. (-bb-) 1 do jobs; do piece-work. 2 deal in stocks; buy and sell (stocks or goods). 3 deal corruptly with (a matter).  just the job colloq. exactly what is wanted. make a job (or good job) of do well. on the job colloq. 1 at work. 2 engaged in sexual intercourse. out of a job unemployed. [origin unknown])

Let me review what we have done so far.

Leered at every hunky instructor.... Check.

Played games on our computer (beginner's Minesweeper at 17 seconds... rank one in class, and 0 in Hearts, level 9 in Pacman, and finished board at one go in 9ball, courtesy http://www.techdictionary.com/,).................... DOUBLE Check.

Been to Aquatica on Office tour............... Check

Done Skits and plays...... Check Check

Fed the ducks ..... Check.

Been chased around by ducks and ducklings.... CHECK.

Spent hours and hours in the cafeteria the size of a mall .... yup, check.

Passed our prometric exams ........... Check again

Been to Roxy for an official hangout with people and been hailed up by friends who work at Tantra for free Margheritas ............................. Hic. kCeck.

Am a certified Laptop Technician for world's number one brand in computers............. CHECKMATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Heathcliff said...

oyeeeeeeeee!!!!! lucky bitch!!!!!!

tui to manush hoye geli reyyyyyy!!!!

Poorna Banerjee said...

absolutely... I LOVE MY JOB!!

Unknown said...

Hey they let lit students as tech support these days?I hope its not Lenovo.

Training's fun though, but wait till the stress takes you out.

Poorna Banerjee said...

nope its not lenovo. i know about the stress, but hey, its a big world out there, and this is a little chunk. Btw, its not the lit part that gets me to be a tech support, but my long-suffered computer course.