A Liar's Guide to the Dreams..

In the dead of the night, the dreams come in one by one. They cling to you with soft acceptance, and they know it all..

These are the dreams which leave a note of remembrance. They cling to our tongues like a bittersweet delight.

They feel familiar, though their flavour melts in the mouth... and taste distinctly unusual.

April 02, 2008

From Suki...

I was perusing through Suki's blog and I came across a tag. Which basically means I am bunking work again... but its allgood. I really don't want to do most of the things that I am doing right now, one of those might read this post and allow himself a laugh at my expense. Smile, friend. I shall have the last one.


This is the point when I say... I don't like you. Because YOU, My dear Sister-in-Law... have not BLOGROLLED Me. I do not like you I repeat.

Tag :

Ten things you wish you could say to people right now ( don’t take names)

10. Go away.

9. Leave me alone.

8. Please do the aforementioned before I get annoyed.

7. Come back.

6. Please.

5. I don't like this.

4. Do you think this is a good idea?

3. I think somebody shrunk your head a bit more than my liking. Or are you always like this?

2. Pathetic. Sad.

1. (With gleaming eyes) Should you lose weight?


Nine things about yourself

9. Bike/car rides. Especially in the middle of the night. I heart.

8. A smile. Because you are standing there with your heart in your smile, looking at me as if I am the only thing in this whole wide world.

7. No judge of character I am. I don't like evaluating people. Completely makes me feel like a dissected animal.

6. I detest backbiters. And Liars. I'm very honest. With everything. Whatever I feel, I do, I express.

5. If I like something, I tell. If I love, I don't. Queer, right? But its like that.

4. I actually believe in true love and soulmates. (Yes, right!! But still...)

3. I am very quiet when I want to be. Comfortable silences I have shared with some people and they are something that I cherish.

2. I am a people person. It means I love being with people. I like them. In general. But I am also very random. I flit. From one to another.

1. I am. Panu. Myself. Its all here and I love me. A lot.

Eight ways to win your heart

8. Just be yourself.

7. Don't lie.

6. Do something simple, but it will show you care.

5. Smile. In the way that makes me feel I am the only girl in the world.

4. Listen.

3. Talk to me. Tell me who you are.

2. Don't let me go. Because when I go, I don't return.

1. Love me. No matter what, or who, or why... just do. Don't question me. Just accept me.

Seven things that cross your mind a lot

7. Why am I here?

6. What am I doing?

5. Am I sure this is okay?

4. Did I just say too much?

3. Is he/she okay with me (this I ask my friends quite a lot)?

2. Is this what I want?

1. When will you come?

Six things you wish you never did

6. Ran away.

5. Loved somebody so deep that it hurt.

4. Trusted someone. Who was not worth it.

3. Like chocolates. You are the bane of my bod.

2. Made friends with Kaichu. I cannot accept how incredible you are. I shall kill myself of inferiority complex one day.

1. Fallen for YOU.

Five Turn offs

5. Bad breath.

4. Passivity.

3. Lost-soul dialogue.

2. Armists.

1. Acid-tongue.

Four turn ons

4. Silence. On the other side of the phone, or on the other side of the room, when I can imagine/see exactly what he feels.

3. A good perfume. Especially male ones. Denim. But I also love the smell of roses (yes, typically female... but there you go!!)... and the slight scent of cinnamon. Also of lemon. And Lavender.

2. Tattoos.

1. A grin. At a right moment. Accompanied with a little gleam off the corner of one eye.

Three things you want to do before you die

3. Bungee Jump.

2. Love like a romantic. Effing Hell!! I shall go back and jump off the nearest cliff.

1. Teach. As a prof. Put a doctor before my name.

Two smileys that describe you



One confession

I WANT to go to Goa. With Peep and K and P and D. Nobody else.

I tag No one. Thank you Suki.


Kaichu said...

Six things you wish you never did:

2.Made friends with Kaichu. I cannot accept how incredible you are. I shall kill myself of inferiority complex one day.

What is *wrong* with you, Panuperson?

Poorna Banerjee said...

Nothing. I just love you. A lot.

Monidipa said...

aamake tag korle aami kortam. kintu korishni toh... **sticks out tongue**

Poorna Banerjee said...

ami kauke korini. tor ichhe hole kor na!!

Anonymous said...

hmm...long bike ride in the night..ilike that too... cool breeze .. u a biker too???

n well id i not get your comment on my blog????/

20 yr old...no can do ???

Poorna Banerjee said...

well.. i ride pillion.

Phoenix speaks.... said...

Four turn ons
1.A grin. At a right moment. Accompanied with a little gleam off the corner of one eye.

It really sparks off that little something within...doesn't it? :)

Poorna Banerjee said...

it does. dammit!!!

weevil girl said...

1.A grin. At a right moment. Accompanied with a little gleam off the corner of one eye.
4. Silence. On the other side of the phone, or on the other side of the room, when I can imagine/see exactly what he feels.


... said...

Melikes this tag.maybe one of these i'll chorify it and tag myself. :D

Anonymous said...


Poorna Banerjee said...

weevilgirl - yesyesyes back.

clouds - be my guest.

the pope - hello.

Sukhaloka said...

We wuv you! Why don't you love yourself that much?

:hugs hugs:

Blogrolled you. Sorry yaar, I'm very confused about my blogrolls - whether to separate the mommy/baby blogs from the JUDE/eclectic ones, whether to HAVE a blogroll at all, where to host it, how often to update it... yadda yadda yadda.

And I need to subscribe to your feed else I will forget to read and will miss such pretty little gems from the Base of This Beauty.


Poorna Banerjee said...

hee hee hee.

right now am extremely pleased that I have blackmailed you a bit.