A Liar's Guide to the Dreams..

In the dead of the night, the dreams come in one by one. They cling to you with soft acceptance, and they know it all..

These are the dreams which leave a note of remembrance. They cling to our tongues like a bittersweet delight.

They feel familiar, though their flavour melts in the mouth... and taste distinctly unusual.

May 20, 2008


The wind burst and breathed around me,

Twirling in naked magery, the short

Spurts of musky rain enveloping

My very soul.

Its going to rain.

Rain creeps up and soaks all

With its dim moistness, swirling

Its way into the bones of the coconut

Trees, and the almond shaped drops

Soaked me to my skin.

And still, it was to rain.

The pain washed off the days of my life

I sat on a table top, wondering if that

Day would come when it would rain.

But its raining already. Can't you hear

The drops

Of Neptune

Falling from the sky?

Its going to...

You washed the pieces of broken crockery on the sink.

You prayed in front of the potted idol.

You wasted the breaths unnecessarily,

But I thought it was needed to make you happy.

You called and waited

Beneath the coconut trees

But he never showed up.

You did all the right things

But the real dread behind all

Was behind the one person whom you

Did not tell.

And you lay on the dust of your spirits,

Reclined on your skull

And gasped at the beauty of it.

The bones shattered, rattled, broke

Under you

And you fell into a chasm of silence

Where nothing existed but you.

And you blessed yourself because there was no one left to bless.

He never came under the coconut tree.

You stooped and picked up the rib

That was once you

And broke it into half

And you took the pieces and made them into a pair

And the two ribs led separate lives

Happily ever after.

The myth was for them. It was not for you.

It is not for me.

It will be never for us. Not for you and I.


Macadamia The Nut said...

Though there was such beautiful imagery in every line.. I couldn't grasp the essence of the verse. Boy! I feel so dumb right now!

Poorna Banerjee said...

its ok.

weevil girl said...

And you fell into a chasm of silence

Where nothing existed but you.

And you blessed yourself because there was no one left to bless.

Poorna Banerjee said...

its all coming back to me now....

woods said...

well written, bt wat do u suppose to mean by d drops of neptune?

Poorna Banerjee said...

dibbasatya - drops of neptune? i guess its green water. what you think??